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The 'meSignSuite' Task

The meSignSuite task allows a MIDlet suite to be cryptographically signed according to the MIDP 2.0 specification. The meSignSuite has the following syntax:

   <meSignSuite  jarfile="path to jar file"
                 inputjad="path to input jad file"
                 outputjad="path to output jad file"
                 keystore="path to keystore"
                 storepass="keystore password"
                 alias="alias of key to use"
                 keypass="key password" 
                 [encoding="file encoding" >]
                 [keystoreType="type" ]
                 [keystoreProvider="provider"] />

meMachProp Task Attributes

jarfile Relative or absolute path to the JAR file to be signed.
inputjad Relative or absolute path to a file to the JAD file containing the description of the JAR file being signed.
outputjad Relative or absolute path to where the signed JAD will be written. If this is the same as the inputjad attribute, the JAD file will be edited in place.
keystore Relative or absolute path to the keystore file containing the key used to sign the JAR file.
storepass Password for the keystore file.
alias Key alias that identifies the particular key within the keystore.
keypass Password for the key within the keystore.
encoding Optional string identifying the character encoding for the input and output JAD file. If not specified, the system assumes "UTF-8".
keystoreType Optional string identifying the type of the keystore. This parameter is only needed if you are using a non-default cryptographic system, and it will be necessary to arrange for the appropriate support files to be in the classpath.
keystoreProvider Optional string identifying the cryptographic provider for the keystore. This parameter is only needed if you are using a non-default cryptographic system, and it will be necessary to arrange for the appropriate support files to be in the classpath.

For those familiar with Sun's JadTool tool, the attributes for the meSignSuite match the command line parameters of the JadTool tool.